Avenida Eduardo Six, 540 - hangar G13 B
Jardim Paraíba
Jacareí - SP
ZIP Code 12327-673

+55 (12) 3905-4041
[email protected]

RECOMINTE was founded in 1990 in Rio with aeronautical representations. In 2001, it added distribution and set up a hose assembly and a 145 repair shop. In 2006 it opened the industry in SJC, today in Jacareí-SP and is certified by ANAC, Embraer, Eaton, AS9100 and ISO9001. Currently investing in increasing the repair capabilities of other aeronautical components. We assemble hoses and supply hydraulic equipment serving different types of industries.

Conexão com o PIT :

Products and services

Oficina montadora de mangueiras e tubulações aeronáuticas e industriais. Workshop for assembling aeronautical and industrial hoses and pipes.
Distribuidores de extintores portáteis de Halon e selantes para tanque e fuselagem. Distributors of Halon portable fire extinguishers and tank and fuselage sealants.
Representante, revendedor e oficina autorizada de GSEs (equipamentos de apoio em solo) da TRONAIR. TRONAIR representative, dealer and authorized GSEs (ground support equipment) repair shop.
Representante de empresas como AMAG (fabricante de alumínio), ACS (distribuidor de químicos), Hentzen (fabricante de tintas aeronáuticas). Representative of companies such as AMAG (aluminum manufacturer), ACS (chemical distributor), Hentzen (aeronautical paint manufacturer).
Representante da DYNAMO AVIATION (fabricante de insertos de galley tais como refrigeradores, aquecedores de água, máquinas de café, etc., cablagens de motor, sistemas de água, degeto e banheiro). Representative of DYNAMO AVIATION (manufacturer of galley inserts such as refrigerators, water heaters, coffee machines, etc., engine wiring, water systems, drain and bathroom).
Representante da COC AEROSPACE – Especialista na plataforma F5, da estrutura aos componentes em geral. Representative of COC AEROSPACE – Especialista na plataforma F5, da estrutura aos componentes em geral.
Representante da TASK AERO – Integrador de sistemas para assentos ejetáveis, dos canopies aos foguetes de propulsão (CAD/PAD) de aeronaves antigas como A-4, F-5, entre outras. Representative of TASK AERO – System integrator for ejection seats, from canopies to propulsion rockets (CAD / PAD) of old aircraft such as A-4, F-5, among others.
Representante da NOTRAN (fabricante de escadas e plataformas de acesso, de alumínio, desmontáveis utilizadas na fabricação e manutenção aeronáutica). Representative of NOTRAN (manufacturer of removable aluminum ladders and access platforms used in aeronautical manufacturing and maintenance).
Representante da SIMAIR (fabricantes de galleys e lavatórios OEM para ATRs e PMAs para outras plataformas). Representative of SIMAIR (manufacturers of OEM galleys and washbasins for ATRs and PMAs for other platforms).


ANAC COM # 0206-01 no reparo de mangueiras aeronáuticas, programação e troca de baterias de ELTs ACR ARTEX e serviços de pintura de peças de interiores aeronáuticos. ANAC COM # 0206-01 in the repair of aeronautical hoses, programming and replacement of batteries for ACR ARTEX ELTs and painting services for aeronautical interior parts.
Certificados pela Embraer como sub-contratados na fabricação de mangueiras aeronáuticas. Certified by Embraer as subcontractors in the manufacture of aeronautical hoses.
ISO9001:2015 na fabricação de mangueiras aeronáuticas e indústriais. ISO9001: 2015 in the manufacture of aeronautical and industrial hoses.
AS9001:2016 na fabricação de mangueiras aeronáuticas. ISO9001: 2015 in the manufacture of aeronautical hoses.


Conexão com o PIT